Christmas is right around the corner, can you believe it? This Saturday our elf on the shelf Chippy finally came back and brought a fabulous “candy breakfast” for my two little sweeties. Normally, Chippy and me have all our shit together. This year we are a hot mess. After searching the basement for 3 hours I found our elf on the shelf hiding in a Christmas Cookie tin. Exactly where I would hide if I wanted to stay near the Christmas stuff but in a place where no child dare look…if I was a magical elf of course. Once Chippy was found (1 AM) it was time to create a magical North Pole Breakfast. I whipped up a printable sign and letter using elements from an old Christmas design (it’s now pushing 2AM). The super awesome breakfast consisted of powder sugar doughnuts, peeps on a pretty red and white lollipop stick, Hershey kisses, candy canes, hot chocolate and milk in a fancy bottle dipped in sugar (hallelujah it’s 3am, and I am finally done!). Ooops, Chippy forgot to get the kids a gift. Everyone was up early (of coarse they were) and super excited to see that there friendly elf on the shelf had indeed not forgot them this holiday season.

With all of the madness, scrambling around and lack of gifts my kids both thought this was the “best breakfast Chippy has ever brought us”. Seriously? I almost feel foolish for the hours I spent last year getting everything together. All they really wanted was powder doughnuts, who knew.

Here are the free printables I used, good luck creating your own magically elf awesomeness.
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Enjoy! Cathy C